Held an Astronomy Workshop for High School Students

On January 25 (Sat.) and 26 (Sun.), 2025, we held an astronomy training for students from Suwa-Seiryo High School and Matsusho-Gakuen High School and Matsumoto-Agatagaoka High School in Nagano Prefecture. They estimated the distance to galaxies from photographs of galaxies and used the recession speeds of these galaxies to determine the age of the universe.

Held an Astronomy Workshop for High School Students はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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Held an Astronomy Workshop for High School Students

On August 5 (Mon.) and 6 (Tue.), 2024, we held an astronomy training for students from Kariya High School in Aichi Prefecture and Matsumoto-Fukashi High School in Nagano Prefecture. The students observed a sample of Ryugu and took a class about results of Hayabusa2 mission. They estimated the distance to galaxies from photographs of galaxies and used the recession speeds of these galaxies to determine the age of the universe.

Held an Astronomy Workshop for High School Students はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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Nakasuka-Funase-Ikari Laboratory of the University of Tokyo will be featured on BS Teleto

The nano-satellites developed by our laboratory so far and the future of Japanese space development will be introduced on BS Teleto’s “Imakara Science,” which will be broadcast from 10:00 p.m. on the evening of the 17th today. Professor Shinichi Nakasuka will also appear on the program. Please watch the program!

URL : https://t.co/UdEcUs6Ynw

Nakasuka-Funase-Ikari Laboratory of the University of Tokyo will be featured on BS Teleto はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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Professor Tachibana spoke at “esse-sense Academic Talk vol.5” connecting research “knowledge” and society

esse-sense Academic Talk (The Yaesu Lighthouse Discussion Group) is a forum for businesspeople, community leaders, and others to think about the future together while gaining insight into the knowledge and perspectives of researchers. At the 5th meeting (held on May 21, 2024), Professor Tachibana introduced what was learned from the analysis of samples from the asteroid “Ryugu” brought back by the space probe “Hayabusa2” and the origin and evolution of the solar system as told by “rocks”.

During the lecture, Professor Tachibana explained with a replica of the container in which the Ryugu samples were brought back to Earth, showed videos and photos of real research sites, and talked about the latest research results. He talked with a twinkle in his eye, and the participants were increasingly listened to him with great interest.

After the lecture was over, the audience and online participants asked questions one after another, and Professor Tachibana answered each question closely. We were very glad that some elementary school students questioned and some people asked again and again. 30 minutes have passed in an instant, the Q&A session filled with the enthusiasm of everyone, including Professor Tachibana.

We want to broaden researches and educations of earth and planetary science through such discussion and to inform people about the fund to support the researches and educations of earth and planetary science.

“esse-sense Academic Talk (Yaesu Lighthouse Discussion)” was held in collaboration with Essence Inc. and the University of Tokyo URA.

  Cooperated by NPO Miratuku

  Co-organized by Mitsui Fudosan POTLUCK YAESU

Professor Tachibana spoke at “esse-sense Academic Talk vol.5” connecting research “knowledge” and society はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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The Final Lecture of Professor Hoshino, the First Director of UTOPS, Available on YouTube

Professor Masahiro Hoshino (Department of Earth and Planetary Science), the first director of the UTokyo Organization for Planetary Space Science (UTOPS), gave his final lecture, “From Earth to Space, the World of Plasma,” on Monday, February 19, 2024, and the lecture was archived on YouTube.

Please watch it from the following link.

The Final Lecture of Professor Hoshino, the First Director of UTOPS, Available on YouTube はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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EQUULEUS Wins the 6th Space Exploitation Prize

The EQUULEUS, an ultra-small spacecraft, has been selected for the Selection Committee’s Special Prize at the 6th Space Exploitation Prize organized by the Japanese Cabinet Office under the title of “Demonstration of Orbit Control Technology in the Earth-Moon Sphere Using an Ultra-small Spacecraft”.

Professor Ryu Funase of UTOPS is involved in the development of the EQUULEUS spacecraft.

Please refer to the following URL for details.


EQUULEUS Wins the 6th Space Exploitation Prize はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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Professor Tachibana Lectured at Taketoyo Community Arts Center Yumetaro Plaza

On February 23, 2024, Professor Shogo Tachibana gave a lecture titled “Bringing Back Samples from Small Objects – Ryugu, Bennu, and Beyond” at Hibiki Hall, Taketoyo Community Arts Center Yumetaro Plaza.

Please refer to the following URL for details.

Professor Tachibana Lectured at Taketoyo Community Arts Center Yumetaro Plaza はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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Published a Book by Professor Tachibana

On February 20, 2024 (Tue.), a book by Professor Shogo Tachibana of the UTOPS, titled “What did Hayabusa2 bring back?” was published.

Please refer to the following URL for details.


Published a Book by Professor Tachibana はコメントを受け付けていません News, UTOPS-News

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