[Press Release]
Nitrided Iron Minerals Found on Asteroid Ryugu
-Nitrogen-rich Dust Traced from Far Away in the Solar SystemJoint Press ReleaseAki Takigawa (Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science)Shogo Tachiban …
[Press Release]
Chromium Isotope Heterogeneity in the Water Cycle of Ryugu Celestial Body
-An Important Guideline for Isotope Analysis of Samples...Joint Press ReleaseTakeshi Iizuka (Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science)Shogo Tachib …
[Press Release]
Finally Unraveled! Growth Mechanism of Supermassive Black Holes and Material Circulation in the Galactic CenterJoint Press ReleaseKotaro Kono, Professor, Astronomy Education and Research Center) An international research …
[Press Release]
Earth-Originated Plasma is Responsible for the Development of Space Storms
~Discovery by the Arase Satellite Reverses Conventional Theory: Earth-Originated...Joint Press ReleaseSatoshi Kasahara (Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science) Professor …
[Press Release]
Deep learning speeds up galactic calculations
A new way to simulate supernovae may help shed light on our cosmic...Supernovae, exploding stars, play a critical role in the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, key asp …
[Press Release]
“Starquakes” could explain mystery signals
Fast radio bursts from distant neutron stars resemble earthquakes rather than solar flaresFast radio bursts, or FRBs, are an astronomical mystery, with their exact cause and origins still unconfirmed. …
[Press Release]
Why Does Asteroid Ryugu Look Different in Space and in the Laboratory?
~Space Weathering Hides the Signs of WaterJoint Press ReleaseShogo Tachibana, Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Space and Planetary …
Tomo-e Gozen Camera at the UTokyo Kiso Observatory Successfully Filmed the OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft and the Sample Return Capsule
Tomo-e Gozen camera (https://tomoe.mtk.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp) on the 1.05 m Kiso Schmidt telescope, Univ. Tokyo, …